The 1990s and early 2000s brought us many iconic kids movies. Since we’re at home a lot more these days, why don’t we go back in time and rediscover some of the films you may have watched in your childhood.
George of the Jungle (1997)

George of the Jungle poster- Walt Disney Pictures, Mandeville Films, Jay Ward Productions, The Kerner Entertainment Company (1997)
Director: Sam Weisman
This movie is wild, no pun intended. George of the Jungleis a hilarious parody of the movie Tarzan. The films never fails to make the audience laugh with unexpected twists and fourth wall breaking. Watching this film recently reminded me of how obnoxiously hilarious it was, and also gave me a newfound appreciation for Brendan Fraser.
Spirited Away (2001)

Spirited Away poster – Studio Ghibli (2001)
Director: Hayao Miyazaki
I watched this movie a couple times in my childhood, it was so weird and I didn’t understand it. It was when I watched it again many years later that I realised it was such an amazing film – projecting the complexity and art of animation.
The scenes that weirded me out ended up giving me chills as I felt immersed. Hayao Miyazaki is such a genius in creating films that make you question their meaning. You’d think that such an eventful film would keep you on your toes, but the pacing of it makes you really enjoy it in a more relaxed way.
School of Rock (2003)

School of Rock poster – Scott Rudin Productions (2003)
Director: Richard Linklater
Let’s admit it, anything Jack Black is iconic. Jack Black really made this movie with his over the top comedy. I remember watching it as a kid and desperately wanting to be in a band despite the fact that I didn’t know any instrument. Even if you haven’t watched this movie, watching it really transports you back to the early 2000s.
Space Jam (1996)

Space Jamposter – Warner Bros. Family Entertainment, Northern Lights Entertainment, Courtside Seats Productions, Warner Bros. Feature Animation, (1996)
Director: Joe Pytka
Where do I even start with this film. Space Jamrecently made a comeback in memes, with its iconic song and humour, as well as the fact that Michael Jordan was in this movie. I was not aware of how iconic this movie was when I was younger, but re-watching it brought back that rare nostalgic feeling that you only get from very specific things (like eating grandma’s apple pie). Except, it was the Looney Tunes playing basketball with Michael Jordan. Classic.
Matilda (1996)

Matilda poster – Jersey Films (1996)
Director: Danny DeVito
Matilda, based on Roald Dahl’s novel, was a part of most people’s childhood. No matter when you were born, the movie still managed to become a very important movie in shaping a lot of our childhoods. Matildataught us to stand up for ourselves in the face of injustice, and to be kind to others. Remember the scene where Bruce Bogtrotter eats that chocolate cake? Iconic.
The High School Musical Trilogy (2006-2008)

High School Musical poster – Salty Pictures, First Street Films (2006)
Director: Kenny Ortega
There isn’t very much that I can say about this movie series except, if you don’t like the storyline – you’re still going to have the songs stuck in your head. Even if the fairly fresh movie series wasn’t a part of your childhood, you still managed to create some sort of connection with it– be it through the songs, or your younger siblings’ unhealthy obsession with it (can relate).
The Shrek series (2001-2010)

Shrek poster – DreamWorks Animation (2001)
Directors: Andrew Adamson, Vicky Jenson, Conrad Vernon, Chris Miller, Mike Mitchell
This series is another fairly recent one, and while this movie series has become a staple in the meme-world, it is so much more. The Shrek series hasn’t failed to reach both a kid and adult audience with its perfect mix of action, romance and comedy- with the addition of a legendary soundtrack. The reason the series became a meme is becauseit’s so popular, and so good. Re-watch the series, you will not fail to have a few laughs.
Labyrinth (1986)

Labyrinth poster – Henson Associates, Inc., Lucasfilm Ltd. (1986)
Director: Jim Henson
Two words: David Bowie. I could’ve chosen any 80s film, but I chose this one. Why? David Bowie. Arguably one of the most Iconic films of the 80s, Labyrinth has a lot of catchy songs and such a wild plot. What didn’t this film do? Sacrificing your baby brother? Done. Solving a maze in order to get your baby brother back? Done. Romancing the Goblin king? Done. The Goblin King is David Bowie? Legend.
Home Alone (1990)

Home Alone poster – Hughes Entertainment (1990)
Director: Chris Columbus
Admittedly, Home Alonemade me more paranoid in being home alone as a kid. But really, how much more can I say about this film? It’s a fun filled comedy starring a child protagonist, and I never noticed until I got older, that it has a really sweet message about family. But honestly, how can one just forget a kid? You’d think with so many kids, they’d have some sort of system. But apparently not.
The Lion King (1994)

The Lion King poster – Walt Disney Pictures, (1994)
Directors: Rob Minkoff, Roger Allers
“Here comes a lion, father, oh yes it’s a lion.” In case you didn’t know, that was the opening to Circle of Life translated. This is by far of the best movies to come out of Disney, and yet, I didn’t really like it as a kid. Possibly, it was how much Mufasa and his hyena-gang freaked me out. But it became nostalgic to me because my older siblings always watched it – along with the rest of the millennial and Gen-Z population. In saying that, I have yet to see any film top the genius that was Hakuna Matata.