5 reasons why paramedicine students should do an international placement in London

by | Oct 15, 2024 | Campus News, Humans, Western Sydney

Author: Olivia Fraser  Edited By: Abbie Simmons 

My name is Liv, I am a third-year Bachelor of Paramedicine student and at the start of 2024, I travelled to London with 8 of my peers to do a placement with the London Ambulance Service (LAS). I chose to apply for a placement with the London Ambulance Service to gain more confidence and experience in paramedicine, as well as build my worldview and challenge myself in a new environment. The placement did this, and so much more! This piece will detail the 5 key things I loved so much about this placement, and why I feel all paramedicine students should consider an international placement, particularly with the London Ambulance Service. 

  1. The immense opportunities for clinical and career development:
    London’s population is highly diverse, this meant that I was treating an array of different patients from various backgrounds, and cultures with many interesting stories to tell. Through this, I felt there were many opportunities to expand my communication skills, cultural understanding and cultural competency in my patient care. The support I received from the ambulance service itself, and most significantly my preceptors, also created a safe space for clinical growth and personal growth in my placement. My preceptors provided me with the opportunity to lead the majority of the jobs we went to and allowed me the autonomy to make decisions regarding the patient’s care. This approach grew my knowledge, clinical skills, and confidence in my abilities to interact with and treat patients competently. Furthermore, we were provided the opportunity to interview for a position with the London Ambulance Service (LAS) post completion of our degree, meaning that my peers and I were lucky enough to come home with jobs lined up for us before we had even completed our degree. 
  1. The space for personal growth:
    The personal growth I experienced on this placement was massive. This was my first experience living out of home, and I was lucky enough to stay in a beautiful home with my two best friends. Although the area we stayed in was a bit dodgy (which we did not know when we booked!) and despite the mouse that was inhabiting my bed, I had the most amazing time! We lived near a gorgeous park where I enjoyed walks and runs before my shifts and on my days off, and we were just a short tube ride from central London. Although I considered myself an independent person before this experience, my independence developed further, as did my resilience. But the biggest point of personal growth I noticed was my confidence, not just my confidence in my clinical practice, but also my general confidence in myself.
  1. Bonding with my peers:
    The people that I went to London with made the placement experience what it was. I was lucky enough to have stayed with my two best friends and felt that the experience had brought us closer. I also became close with everyone who went over with me, and still catch up with them regularly at and outside of uni. The experience was so much fun and created such a strong bond between us. I am so grateful for the group of people I got to share the experience with!
  1. Travelling to the UK and Europe:
    London presents incredible travel opportunities around the UK and Europe, so of course when going over for the placement I decided to take advantage of this too. I went travelling for three weeks around Europe before heading to London, visiting my family in Oslo, Norway, before travelling up to Tromsø in Norway to chase the northern lights! We also travelled to Amsterdam, Switzerland, the French Alps and Paris before heading back to London for New Year’s Eve before starting placement. During the placement, my friend Crystal and I travelled to Copenhagen, Denmark during some of our days off, spending just over $200 AUD on return flights and accommodation, which was simply mind blowing to me! The travel opportunities that London provides is such a driving factor of my desire to live there and work for the LAS!
  1. Exploring London!:
    London is the most incredible city, and there are so many big landmarks as well as niche areas to explore! I personally loved walking around the many parks throughout London, checking out Aussie cafes sprinkled throughout the city (which have the only good coffee in the whole city!), walking across the tower bridge and past Big Ben, which never gets old! Thinking back and reflecting on this placement makes me feel so nostalgic,  

I have plans to return to London next year when I finish uni! It is such a beautiful and unique city, and I am so excited to live and work there soon.  

Abbie Simmons is an emerging editor at W'SUP who is studying a Bachelor of Communication, majoring in journalism. Abbie is proudly the inaugural recipient of the Pasifika Achievement To Higher Education (PATHE) Scholarship. Journalism allows Abbie to explore a broad range of interests like history, literature, law, music, social justice, fashion, social media commentary and lifestyle through storytelling and investigative reporting. When she's not writing you can find her attending live music events and finding the best matcha + thrifting spots.

Her hot take is that Charli XCX is more famous than Taylor Swift.

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