Ask Quai why skate

by | Aug 5, 2015 | First Person

Q&A with Skuws skater Quai by Naomi Hastings:

When did you start skating?

I started skating when I was in year 5, about 11 – 12 years old.

What’s your favourite thing about skating?

My favourite thing about skateboarding is the feeling you get when you accomplish a trick you’ve been trying hard at, making heaps of new friends for a lifetime and how much exercise you get from skateboarding.

Where do you like to skate?

I love to skate parks in general, particularly tranny parks. I haven’t explored all of them but the ones I had good times at where definitely Macquarie Fields, Waterloo and the Blue Mountains. But I can never go wrong with Granville skatepark – where I first learnt to skate properly.

Which skaters inspire you?

The skaters that inspire me most and make me want to skate more would be Grant Taylor, Danny Way, P- Rod and Nyjah Houston. They make it look so good.

Any advice for anyone just beginning to skate?

My advice for anyone out there beginning is don’t be afraid to get hurt. But most of all, don’t expect that you’re going to get hurt, always stay committed to what you love doing. If you want to make it, you can never go wrong with time and persistence.


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