
W’SUP with our Research

W’SUP with our Research

“Research Unlimited”. “80% of Western Sydney U’s research is rated the world’s best”. “$5 million in new funding to drive improvement and new findings”. But what do we really know about what Western research students are researching? As they spend day in day out...

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Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Drone attacks in Pakistan

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Drone attacks in Pakistan

By Iman Sohail: The mainstream media has largely avoided discussing a surreptitious military operation that has existed by the order of the Bush administration since 2004; drone attacks in Pakistan. The ‘playstation mentality’ of targeted killings that serves as an...

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Interview With Tamara Tuchin, Winner of the Editor’s Choice Award 

  Tamara Tuchin didn’t expect to win the 2024 Student Publications Committee Editor’s Choice Award for her article “Imagining Extinction.” In her own words, the recognition was a “total surprise,” but for anyone who has read her piece, it’s clear why she stood...