
  • Abbie Simmons

    Abbie Simmons is an emerging editor at W'SUP who is studying a Bachelor of Communication, majoring in journalism. Abbie is proudly the inaugural recipient of the Pasifika Achievement To Higher Education (PATHE) Scholarship. Journalism allows Abbie to explore a broad range of interests like history, literature, law, music, social justice, fashion, social media commentary and lifestyle through storytelling and investigative reporting. When she's not writing you can find her attending live music events and finding the best matcha + thrifting spots. Her hot take is that Charli XCX is more famous than Taylor Swift.

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  • Jordan Canciani

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What’s On at WSU

CreatURe: A Space for Sci-Fi Fanatics & The Launch of ‘RELIC’

Author: Nicole Lenoir-Jourdan  A little over a year ago, CreatURe was a gleam in the eye of a few speculative fiction fanatics, a half-mad scheme to provide students with a place to be published, read, and noticed. Now we stand before you with three online issues, one...

A degree apart: The realities of studying psychology

Author: Jordan Canciani Editor: Abbie Simmons   The Australian Psychological Society (APS) reported there are simply too many undergraduate students, vastly exceeding the number of available postgraduate psychology programs.   In my experience as a 3rd year Bachelor...

My Experience as a PASS Mentor and Why Peer Learning Matters

About me  Before I start talking about Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS), let me introduce myself. My name is Danny, and I am a Master of Research Student, researching diabetes and kidney disease with the School of Medicine, in hopes of revealing biomarkers or...