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What’s On at WSU

CreatURe: A Space for Sci-Fi Fanatics & The Launch of ‘RELIC’

Author: Nicole Lenoir-Jourdan  A little over a year ago, CreatURe was a gleam in the eye of a few speculative fiction fanatics, a half-mad scheme to provide students with a place to be published, read, and noticed. Now we stand before you with three online issues, one...

A degree apart: The realities of studying psychology

Author: Jordan Canciani Editor: Abbie Simmons   The Australian Psychological Society (APS) reported there are simply too many undergraduate students, vastly exceeding the number of available postgraduate psychology programs.   In my experience as a 3rd year Bachelor...

My Experience as a PASS Mentor and Why Peer Learning Matters

About me  Before I start talking about Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS), let me introduce myself. My name is Danny, and I am a Master of Research Student, researching diabetes and kidney disease with the School of Medicine, in hopes of revealing biomarkers or...