Hawkesbury Student Council needs YOU

by | Feb 2, 2016 | Campus News

By Stephanie Oliphant:

The Hawkesbury Student Campus Council (HSCC) is on its way to being a much more active council this year than last.
We currently have 7 positions filled already:

Chair – Stephanie Oliphant (SRC)
Vice Chair – Sandra Ozegovic (SRC)
Secretary – Nick Howson
General – Micaela Hogan (SRC)
General – Emily Baker
General – Soraya Outim
Clubs Rep – Sweta Mudaliar

We do however have three remaining positions left, and we are taking expressions of interest to fill them:

Resident Student x 1
Postgraduate Student x 1
Student Clubs Member x 1

If you are interested in joining the council and you fit one of these positions, please email Hawkesbury Student Campus Council at hawkesbury_scc@lists.uws.edu.au, or email the manager of Student Representation & Participation, Ri.Martino@westernsydney.edu.au, for more information about the process.

If you want to find out more about us, feel free to visit our booth at the Week 1 festival, email us or visit our office at K4.G.82.
If you have any issues you want to bring up to the council, feel free to share with us.
The council this year is wanting to focus on having more events on campus and petitioning the possibility of having the Bar on campus again and fixing the speed bump on Vines Dr as some students cannot drive over it, which becomes an issue when the gates close at 7pm.

Stephanie Oliphant – Chair


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