Does cruWsible need a new name, now that we are no longer UWS ?
If you have any suggestions, send them to us at
Suggestions so far…
The “cruwsible” sounds like a Christian magazine. Here are my new name suggestions.
Names which use “WESTERN”:
Western News, Western Paper, Western Weekly (I know its a quarterly paper, but it has a nice ring to it.) Western Quarterly, Western Waffle, Western Wailer, Western Waiver (as in a document that showing that someone has given up a right, lol), Western Wallboard, Western Ward (as in a district into which a city or town is divided for the purpose of administration and elections), Western Wastebasket, Western Watcher, Western Watchtower, Western Wayfarer, Western Weasel, Western Welcomer, Western Whammy, Western Whinger, Western Whiner, Western Whisper, Western Whispers, Western Whistleblower, Western Whistler, Western Wit, Western Wits, Western W.I.F.I. (standing for “What I Find Interesting”), Western WhyPhy (named after a fictional drug from “22 Jump Street” which stands for “Work Hard Yes Play Hard Yes”), Western Wildfire (as news spreads like fire), Western Wildlife, Western Window (as the newspaper is a window into student life), Western Wisdom, Western Witness, Western Wordmonger, Western Word, Western Words, Western Writer
Names which use the capital letters“WS” together: NeWS cast, NeWS flash, NeWS break, NeW Student Newspaper, NeWSpaper, NeWS letter, BroWSer, NeWSbeat, NeWSroom, NeWSboy, NeWSgirl, NeWScast, NeWSdesk, NeWSreel, NeWSwire, LaWSuit, OutlaWS, WoWSers, ArroWS, DroWSe, ReneWS, ScreWS, ThroWS, WindoWS, ClaWS, CroWS, CreWS, GloWS, NeWSy, BoWS, CoWS, CaWS, JeWS, JaWS, LaWS, MeWS, NeWS, RoWS, WoWS
Random Names: Voice, Slam, Monkey, Uni Speak, Uni Talk, The Herald,, Relax, Grittle, Splendour, iNews 2.0, Benchmark, Citation, Reference, Logon, Bottler, Outback, Sundown, Screamer, Fruit bowl, Loading Dock, Light Bulb, Hulk Smash. I hope that helps.
I would like to offer up the the following suggestion.
The new and awesome-packed name for the periodical is…
The Tributarian
The logic behind this is threefold.
An official Roman Social Position, An official elected by the plebeians to protect their interests.
A reference to the Hunger Games, Payment by individuals as obligation to others
Tending to bring about benefits to selected recipients,
Directing the flow on water towards a desired ends
A periodical dedicated to bring enlightened information to the plebeian students
I look forward to your reply with the usual deep and meaningful interest.
So I know there is a bit of controversy surrounding the rebrand and believe me, I’m not particularly pleased with the issues that are ridiculously apparent in regards to the new logo and initialism (WSU – Washington State University, Wichita State Uni, Winona State University and Weber State Uni all spring to mind).
However, despite this, and the plethora of objections and criticism raised, I feel that perhaps we are all missing the point and getting caught up in the “small things’’ like – oh, I don’t know – the commitment to creating opportunities, and inclusion for otherwise disadvantaged and excluded demographics, irrespective of class, gender, sexuality, age, education, location and ethnicity.
It is my conviction that when all these details are stripped away and the bigger picture remans, we are all fighting on the same side, for the same outcomes.
The belief has inspired my suggestion for a new name for the cruWsible ( if indeed it needs to change).
Sticking with the idea of including the abbreviated form of the Uni’s name, I propose something to the effect of “We Stand United”.
Because, ultimately, it’s our earth and humanity we’re fighting for, and our actions which create our legacy, not which side we stood on the debate of UWS or WSU.
We Stand United
I read recently in the crUWSible that you guys are thinking about the name of the paper. I personally think that you should leave it as the cruwsible just to stick it to the uni given the whole rebranding ‘controversy’. However, if that’s not possible I thought I’d air a few suggestions:
I initially thought ‘The Blue Bird’ would be a good name change. However, if the crUWSible is out, I suspect such a name would encounter the same problem. So another thought came with regards to one of the biggest accusations around the rebranding, that the new logo is unoriginal and to an extent stolen from other universities. The one I hear spoken about most often is Harvard, but I also read in the crUWSible that the University of Wisconsin at Madison has a very similar logo (which seems to be confirmed from a brief internet search). The student papers of these two institutions are The Harvard Crimson and The Daily Cardinal (it seems self-evident which is which). I thought perhaps some amalgamation of these two papers would be appropriate, to again ‘stick it’ to the uni.
However, if a serious and not so flippant name is desired, perhaps something involving the word ‘tribune’ (‘The Whitlam Tribune’ immediately comes to mind), as the word is defined as “a person who upholds or defends the rights of the people” – a goal it seems the crUWSible is striving towards. Indeed it is the title given to officers of the ancient Roman Empire whose duty it was to protect the interests and rights of the commoners from violation by the aristocracy. I think this would be a good basis for a student paper ‘for the students, by the students’.
Just my two cents
Hi guys,
just wanted to say great job with the paper, it’s always a good read and it’s great to see people passionate about giving a voice to the student body.
I don’t think the name has to change,
I think you can get away with
a bit of a spelling change.
How about cruWSUble?
I was thinking of some name suggestions for the cruWsible while I was on my way home and I came up with these:
WSUp or WSUp !
Western Whisperer
The Western Signal
Western CrUWS
The West Turn
And a random slogan I thought of :
“We put the U in WSU”
I hope it helps. Even if some of them sound a bit too “21st century-esque !”
Meaning ; News that brings Knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgement as to action by Us In WSU in Australia.
What about –
What’S Up ?
As a part-time academic who teaches once a week at SGSM (Parramatta City), I only rarely get to pick up a copy of the CRUWSIBLE from the Library at the South campus. When I do, I am drawn into – after all I have been a student myself (Undergrad 1971-73 and MBA 1973-75) although in different Unis in a different country..
My day job is in consulting and among other things I advise businesses, global and local, on their branding strategies. Much of this involves counsel on repositioning, rebranding, revamping business models and often reframing a business.
I have recently seen in your paper some debate on the University’s rebranding and on rebranding the publication itself. As someone who has worked with brands across geographies for over 40 years, I thought I will share some pointers. Please feel free to ignore any or all of it.
1. Whatever your collective opinion about the new Western Sydney University logo (the visual representation), the underlying rebranding strategy of more strongly associating with Western Sydney as a region makes sound sense. The University truly represents the diversity, dynamism and depth of what this fastest growing region in Australia has to offer. People often focus on a brand’s expression (logo, tagline, colour scheme, typography, etc) but it is the brand experience that really matters. And, the Western Sydney University experience is quite unique.
2. It is important that your paper visibly signals this change, you don’t want to be perceived as not supporting this major strategic shift the University has embarked upon. However, that does that not necessarily mean changing the name of your paper.
3. Don’t be too focussed on the abbreviation ‘WSU’. The equity of the University’s brand stems from Western Sydney, the region not Western Sydney University so highlighting the letters ‘WS’ in CRUWSIBLE might still achieve the same purpose.
4. In my consulting, whenever clients seek a name change, the questions I always ask of them are – what do you expect to gain from a new name and what do you think you might lose by giving up the name you now have. Often the equity built from a brand over a period of time is underestimated even while the investment required to build a new brand is substantial. This may not be as applicable in your case, but is a name change worth all the trouble?
5. The word crucible is a true reflection of what Western Sydney is all about and it is remains relevant in the context of the University’s new branding.
6. If you really want to convey a clear break away from UWS, you may spell CRUWSIBLE differently as say CREWSIBLE to reflect the collective and team (i.e. crew) based operational model of your paper. I am sure the smart wordsmiths among you with more time on their hands can come up with better suggestions.
7. If however, you think it is necessary to incorporate the letters ‘WSU’ in the name, think on the lines of say NEWSUNTOLD which highlights the paper’s commitment to investigate issues that are not covered in official channels, The name needs to be simple yet convey a clear essence of what you are all about.
8. Having said all this, branding is a tricky business, the possibilities are endless (you can take any number of approaches) but the choices are limited for various reasons. Also the subjective nature of how a brand is judged makes consensus difficult. Think about who you are, what you stand for and how you behave. That should ultimately define your brand not what is clever, catchy or aesthetically pleasing although these do help. In the ultimate analysis, reader experience is the brand and your brand is the reader experience.
I hope this has helped you to gain more clarity. Whatever you choose to do, good luck! I am not an academic in the traditional sense but am passionate about teaching and student welfare, generally. Hence this spontaneous email.
And, I hope to pick up a copy of CRUWSIBLE or its new avatar whenever I can if the paper continues to be placed at 100 George Street.
P.S. Another simple name with the letters ‘WS’ that comes to mind is NEWSDESK which brings out the true journalistic character of a paper while retaining a student connection with the word ‘desk’. Simplicity often trumps in these things.
Following your logic in the recent edition of the paper (previously known as CrUWSible), how about the name WaSsUp? or WaSsUp, depending on whether it is considered to be rhetorical/ironic or not. I think it fulfills the criteria and is correctly spelled. It kind of depends on whether you think the place is now considered to be WS or WSU.
Sincerely, Dr Shane Hersey
My two suggestions:
Western Sydney Wag
Western Wag
Hope these are as appealing to you as to me!
FROM Md Masud Parves Rana:
As I propose, the name might be ‘WiSeUp’. It means ‘inform’ or ‘apprise’. I do believe the major objective of this paper/magazine is to get us informed, to stand together. My proposed name WiSeUp may be designed with WSU colours to get an excellent logo. Still I am researching a better one, but this is my reach thus far.
I appreciate what you guys doing.
Jarrod Bradley: Luppiter
Sweta Mudaliar: The Western Sydney Connect
Bec Foley: WS YOU
Michael Wright: News UNLIMITED ? Or just The Limited.
Kristal Power: Western Waffle sounds good
Daniel Flory: Why not The W. or W.?
Rachel Ewings: How about The NeWS?
Patrick Kelleghan: You’ve likely already got a new name – cruWsible – sitting in the palm of the hand…a melting pot of diverse ideas, a place where new truths blend and emerge from competing philosophies, ah, I could go on ! (But I won’t)
Omaa Ayash: The Western Daily
Se-on Lim: Western Sydnuws or News McNewsyface
Brodie Lopati: Western Tribune
Mohammad Ali Naqvi: Western Time
Joe Waugh: The paper formerly known as the cruWsible