NEW YEAR NEW YOU: The Return of WSU Summer Sessions and How To Prepare For 2025

by | Dec 17, 2024 | Campus News

As the 2024 Spring semester has now come to a close, it has signaled Western Sydney University’s Summer subjects’ session to officially begin. The Summer Session is designed to assist students and give greater opportunities for choice and flexibility to fast-track their degree while juggling work and other lifestyle commitments. It’s important to note that your eligibility to study in Summer depends on subject availability and may not be offered for all programs. Students are strongly encouraged to seek advice from their Academic Program Advisor about which subjects to enroll in at specific times. This ensures they account for subjects that are only available during certain periods, have prerequisites, or are part of a minor or major concentration. 



 The Summer semester began on the 2nd of December 2024 and will end on the 15th of February 2025 with a two week break during the Christmas and New Year Period. According to the Summer Session Newspage, students will have the ability to “fast-track their degree in order to complete it sooner” as well as to facilitate for students a space of “lighter study load by spreading the subjects of study over the entire year”.  

The Summer Newspage also highlights that for students who may have failed subjects during the Spring or Autumn session, summer subjects and sessions can help students make up lost credit points to keep them on track to graduate.  



When it comes to workload, the Summer Session prioritises a fast-paced learning environment as they deliver the same content and classes that would be taught in the Autumn or Spring semester over a shorter period. Western states on the Session FAQ Webpage, that “regardless of delivery mode each subject in Summer will be around 30 hours”. Due to this workload, the Western webpage states that “you may feel like there is more work needed to attain a satisfactory result due to the shorter timeframe, so make sure you account for this when planning your time”.  

The Summer Newspage outlines that students are only allowed to study two subjects within the session. Students who want to take additional classes within their schedule must seek approval from the Academic Program Advisor and submit a rule waiver request”. There are also limitations to the Shuttle Bus schedule as shuttle services will cease from the 18th of November to the 2nd of March 2025. However, parking accessibility will remain as normal and for further information the Summer FAQ Webpage advises students to visit the Parking FAQ page.  

Western Sydney University Bankstown City Campus, Taken by @westsydulibrary Instagram, 23rd of June 2023. 



Even through these limitations, students continue to thrive within the Summer Sessions. Petah Wood, a third-year university student who has recently transferred from South Australia, stated that the offering of the summer semester and subjects have been incredibly effective during her transition to life as a Western student. Wood stated that this opportunity has not only assisted her to get back on track within her degree to ensure she will be able to graduate on time but has helped her adjust more comfortably. It has therefore helped her “understand class routines and expectations without the stress of additional classes and assignments”. 



As the summer semester has begun and the Autumn semester starts on the 3rd of March 2025, it is important to prepare for your studies ahead. You can do this by navigating the Western Handbook. The Handbook is a fundamental tool for Western students and is where you will find descriptions of all programs and subjects and corresponding teaching intakes offered at Western. You will also find the contact details for your program’s Academic Program Advisor, subject coordinators and other support staff. The Handbook also provides crucial knowledge about program admission criteria, program structure and subject lists and the availability of majors and minors in your study sequence. You can refer to this page for more information about navigating the Handbook. 

This page provides a 7-part guided explanation with a video outlining what each part of the Handbook means and how to apply the information, so it is relevant for your studies.  

  1. Universal Search: Use specific Subject, Program or Major titles or codes in this field to find what you need. 
  2. Programs: Open this menu item to get a list of all undergraduate and postgraduate programs that are currently being offered at Western.  
  3. Major and Minors: Open this menu item to get a list of all the Majors, Minors and Concentrations that are currently being offered at Western.
  4. Subject Search: Open this to access the subject search page wherein you can find subjects according to their title, old subject code, level, school or field of study.
  5. Subject Description: Open this menu item to get a list of all the current Western subjects grouped according to the first 4 letters of their subject code.  
  6. Subject Details: Open this menu item to get an alphabetical listing of all the subjects that are currently being offered at Western.  
  7. Archives: Open this menu item to access all of Western’s past handbooks and archived programs. 

This pages also outlines definitions of key terms used in the Program pages of the Handbook as well as Field of Study pages and Subject Pages. For further information, students can access the Western Handbook here as well as contact the University through the Student Services Hub here for further program and admission enquiries, as well as for further information on how to navigate the Handbook. 



Another program that is essential for new semester planning is Western’s Staff Directory. This directory is a centralised database dedicated to students and staff to search for members, tutors and academics apart from the Western community. This database is a necessity for students to find and contact future and or present academics for inquiries on their subjects and programs on offer. According to the Staff Directory Help Webpage, users can search for people “by Name, Text, Campus, Department” or through the “Sounds Like” function and can also translate information within the second language function if needed.  

There is also a private view section that only can be used by Western members, offering the option to list staff members “via the campus and buildings”. However, the Webpage states that “staff and students must login to their Western account to see full contacts when not connected to the University Network”. Students should note that all information from the directory must be obtained for legitimate purposes of conducting business and within Western Sydney University and must not be used for unsolicited bulk e-mailing (spamming) or similar purposes”. 

For any further information on how to better prepare for studies in the 2025 summer session and or the upcoming 2025 Autumn semester, please consult your nearest Student Services Hub on campus or contact them here for any other concerns or inquiries. 



  • Eugenia Kourkoutas

    Eugenia Kourkoutas is an emerging editor studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Cultural and Social Analysis and Social Anthropology. Within this degree, Eugenia has gained a multitude of experience in researching and analysing our everyday world and social interactions in order to addressing key issues occurring within our social climate today through investigative articles. Eugenia is also the proud recipient of the 2023 Deans List Award and is aspiring to become a feature writing journalist in the near future.

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