Register now for LEAD

by | May 12, 2016 | Campus News

Lead, Engage, Aspire, Develop (LEAD) is a SSAF funded leadership program to help student volunteers and employees build their leadership capacity, as well as develop communication, team building and employability skills.

The LEAD program involves:

* A two-day conference – to be held on 29 and 30 June (during the inter-session break) on Parramatta campus (South)

* Leadership workshops – made available in SPRING session. Details to be made after the conference.

* A retreat

* A completion ceremony

You must complete the core workshops – available in SPRING session – and the conference in order to be eligible for a completion certificate.

 Register your interest at participate now. Registrations will close on 27 May, 2016.

 For more information and all updates go to

 If you have any questions email the LEAD team at


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