We Came, We Gamed, We Conquered

by | Jun 21, 2016 | Campus News

By Melissa Swann:

For 24 hours over June 2nd and 3rd, the Western Sydney U Nerdfighters hosted a charity gaming marathon at The Cottage on Werrington South campus. We dubbed this ambitious adventure ‘Game Hard or Go Home.’ You may have heard about the event in the lead up, or caught up with us on the university’s Snapchat story on the day, but if you’re wondering how we went here’s a catch-up for you!

Over the 24 hours we had 31 participants join us, 13 of which gamed their absolute hardest and stuck around for the full marathon. Gamers played a range of console and table top games including Catan, Betrayal At The House On The Hill, Guitar Hero, Halo, Super Smash Bros., Werewolf, and Say Anything, just to name a few. The night got cold, the nerds got tired – but we persevered! Come morning light we rallied our strength for breakfast and tapped our way through another round of Smash before looking back on our efforts. In the end, by selling charity chocolates and collecting generous donations from our supporters and gamers, the event raised an amazing total of $1,376.40 for Starlight Children’s Foundation – the organisation we have chosen for our Annual Charity Project this year.

This has been a tremendous effort for our Project, and the club is eternally thankful for all those who came out to or supported the event in some way. We’d like to thank The Penrith Gazette and the Western Weekender for publishing articles about the event, as well as Omar Hosny and Jessica Juler for their promotion of the marathon through official social media channels. Matthew Stansfield for his assistance through Student Clubs. And especially to Mega Games Penrith for all their help in getting some additional board games together for the night and their donation of the game Werewolf!

Even bigger thanks to Sheridan Rynne, our Campus Life Officer and honorary Nerdfighter Mother Hen for championing the cause and the event, and for all her incredible support, faith, and endless excitement. Our amazing club members who went above and beyond to help us out behind the scenes: El Sail-Hayes, Tom Wylie, Mitchy Green, Lucy Gallagher, Jennifer Russell, Chris Holtom, Alexandra Pullen, Peter Allen, Lawrence Busuttil and Melissa Swann. Last but not least, the Western Sydney University Community, for not only backing us financially but also supporting us through the entire process and enabling us to run what turned out to be an amazing (if tiring) event!

So, where to from here? Our fundraising goal for Starlight Children’s Foundation this year is $1,500 – but not to worry! The Nerdfighters will be taking on The Color Run at Centennial Park on the 21st of August, in order to sprint (or lightly jog, as some of us might) our way over that goal.

Until then, stay nerdy and DFTBA! (Don’t Forget To Be Awesome)



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