WSUP’s Book Picks 

by | Jun 14, 2024 | Off Campus

Tash – The Mask Falling by Samantha Shannon 

This fictional story is the fourth in the Bone season which is a dystopian and paranormal thriller. Being in the centre of a planned seven book series means that this is the integral part of the storyline. Compelling, driven, and full of suspense.  

“It is a beautiful mask, but all masks fall. In the end.” – The Mask Falling 

Anya – Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes 

A fictional story using the ancient Greek Pantheon and Medusa, who experiences mortality unlike her sisters. This modern retelling of the ancient myth is proclaimed as witty and passionate as it explores the concepts of beauty and persecution through Medusa’s story.  

Julia – Reclaim by Dr Ahona Guha 

Dr Ahona Guha is an Australian psychologist with a doctorate in clinical and forensic psychology from Swinburne University. She has also written the book “Life Skills for a Broken World” and works to break down the stigma between mental health and mental illness. Reclaim is about the tools needed to survive complex trauma and abuse, as well as the aftermath of this suffering. Whilst this might be useful for people struggling with their mental health and building relationships, it is also a fascinating read for anyone who wants to learn more about human behaviour and support the people who may be around them. 

To see WSUP’s complete book list from Sydney Writer’s Festival check out our bookshelf on Goodreads now.

W’SUP news would like to thank the Sydney Writer’s Festival team for providing the opportunity to attend events media personnel and for hosting such incredible sessions. We hope to continue collaborating in the future and bring these important conversations to Western Sydney University. 


  • Julia Bell

    Julia Bell has been on the W'SUP team since April 2022. Julia has completed a Bachelor of Screen Media (Arts and Production) and is currently completing a Master in Marketing.

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