Around the Campus Clubs

by | Sep 13, 2016 | Campus News

By Nicole Gismondo:
The clubs scene at our university is still fairly early in its development. 
We take a look around the campus to find out what the scene is like on your campus. You can find all clubs on OrgSync – the University’s official platform

Hawkesbury (13 clubs) – Hawkesbury and Community (HAC) Rugby:

The oldest student club at Western Sydney was established in 1891 (yes you read that right). The first rugby union game this club played was the 28th of May 1891 and they have played consistently for the 125 years since! Back in the land of 2016, and on the 20th of August 1st Grade won the Clark Cup 18-6 over Brothers and 2nd Grade won the Farrant Cup 30-27 over Beecroft.

So if you’re looking for that elusive sense of community, whether you are a rugby pro or complete first timer, head on over to HAC Rugby for a good time. You might even have a good shot at success too.

Parramatta (62 clubs) – Western Sydney U Indian Society:

The campus with the most clubs probably by sheer size of student cohort, we decided to spotlight a real newbie on the Parramatta club scene, the Indian Society is only a couple months old! They held their first event in early Semester 2, showcasing the wonder of Indian cuisine to around 180-200 students.

So if you’re Indian or not and just want to experience the magic of Indian cuisine, culture and celebrations, make sure to get involved!

Campbelltown (33 clubs) – Gaming Gang:

Another club that has been around since 2013, this has been one of Campbelltown’s more active clubs over the years. These gamers, like their name suggests, have accumulated a horde of consoles and meet up from time to time – even having enough people to have meetings in lecture theatres occasionally. This year has been a quieter year for them, but they promise they’ll be back to their full strength by next year.

So if you’re looking for just a bit of fun on Campbelltown campus, make sure to give these guys a shot.

Bankstown (40 clubs) – Student Policing Association of Western Sydney (SPAWS):

One of the relatively newer course based student associations, this club started on Penrith in 2013 and is now predominantly on Bankstown. SPAWS regularly runs boot camps for all students targeted at policing students being able to pass at Goulburn. This year they got behind the NSW Police Legacy charity and raised $1300 through its City2Surf team.

So if you are looking to have a career in policing or the criminal justice system, and want to pad out your resume, experience or just plain want to meet like-minded people, give SPAWS a shot!

Penrith (25 clubs) – Western Sydney U Nerdfighters:

Another example of a club that got its succession plan right, this club started in 2014 and they are barely sure who it was that started it. This year it’s been bigger than ever, tripling its membership to 120 members. You may have heard of them earlier this year as they played games for 24 hours straight during STUVAC! Sounds nerdy, but it has also helped them raise over $2000 for the Starlight Children’s Foundation.

Looking at joining? We can confirm you will instantly gain 120 new nerdy friends and have a great time. And remember, don’t forget to be awesome!

By Nicole Gismondo

Clubs Rep | Parramatta Student Campus Council

Student Editor | W’SUP

Chair |Student Advisory Group Forum


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