"Writer's block" is a term used to describe the inability to write; after all, distractions are a common occurrence for everyone. Regardless of if you’re a beginner or an expert writer. And if you have similar experiences, I recommend reading this article in full....
Western’s Bachelor of Entrepreneurship student takes on the world of VR with resilience and creativity
Alex Figar: “if I really wanted to work in the industry there was I good chance I’d have to create my own opportunities” 3rd year student Alex Figar is the Founder of Big Island Games and Co-Founder of Games Go West. Through the Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Games...
GISU Urban Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition: Hear from the WSU Student Teams and Their Brilliant Pitches
In November last year, Launch Pad attended the Guangzhou International Sister-City Universities (GISU) 2021 Urban Innovation & Entrepreneurship Final Pitch event at WSU’s Parramatta City Campus, 1PSQ. 12 finalist student teams from 6 different universities...
Self-reflection, planning & habit building to conquer your 2022 goals
My favourite time of year is the beginning of the new year. I get that it has a poor reputation for being an arbitrary time of year to "transform your life," and that New Years’ resolutions are notorious for failing by February. Maybe 2021 was a really good year for...
SRC’s $10,000 Secret Santa event takes students (and Christmas) by storm
SRC's $10,000 Secret Santa event takes students (and Christmas) by storm With over 200 registrations for the cross-campus event, the SRC showed their Christmas spirit again by bringing back the old tradition of Secret Santa. However, while Parramatta made a solid...
Paper Women: The feminist art project that aims to conquer sexual and emotional abuse
By sharing our stories, we make our mark – we create change. The older she gets, the more she knows what men can do. The Victorian artist and feminist Amanda Firenze doesn't back away from talking about what we don't want to hear. Paper Women aims to showcase hundreds...
A university of the people: the 200-year story of Parramatta campus
A university of the people: the 200-year story of Parramatta campus Story by Sarah Cupitt A trip down memory lane as we continue to rebuild, immortalise and celebrate the history and culture of Western Sydney University. If you’ve ever stepped foot on...
Handling stress: which one are you?
Handling stress is one of the most difficult tasks when it comes to adulting - you have uni, work, a social life to maintain, maybe go to the gym and get your life together. Ultimately with more work, comes more stress - and it’s easy for us to sweep it under the...
Rameshwar Roy: “It is our duty to grab the chances whenever possible”
Rameshwar Roy completed his Masters in Public Health last year after completing his undergraduate degree in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology - sticking to what he’s always wanted to do. After finishing his course, he started working in the lab sector, but his heart...
Tackling disability support: is WSU really the uni that “cares”?
How proactive is the university with disability support? Western Sydney University (WSU) advertises itself as a supporter of equality for all and "committed to creating an equitable and inclusive environment for all students and staff, including those with...
I read it so you don’t have to: how the FLY handbook can help broke uni students
Illustration by Sarah Cupitt Some books have the power to change lives - this is one of them. Once leaving the safety net of high school, you’re on your own. Whether you remain living at home with your parents or not, the only person in control of your future is...
Five steps to conquer time management this semester
Our motivation has been dwindling for over a year since the pandemic started and zoom university became a thing. We might have gotten a chance to relax over summer break, but our time management skills need improving before returning to university, Sarah Cupitt...
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What’s On at WSU
My Experience as a PASS Mentor and Why Peer Learning Matters
About me Before I start talking about Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS), let me introduce myself. My name is Danny, and I am a Master of Research Student, researching diabetes and kidney disease with the School of Medicine, in hopes of revealing biomarkers or...
Day in the life of a science student who knows nothing about science, two years into the degree.
I was feeling okay about chemistry till I got to this sentence in the practical brief. ‘Volumetric analysis determines the number of moles present in an aliquot of an analyte by a stoichiometric reaction’. Cue blinking in disbelief and several Google searches to...
How Faith-Based Student Clubs Enrich University Life
Finding a Sense of Belonging at University Becoming involved in a faith-based student club can offer students a wide range of benefits, and it has allowed me to create a sense of belonging while at university. Before starting my journey at Western, I knew that I...
Taking The World By ‘ONYX STORM’: A Book Review
Onyx Storm’s legacy is as tumultuous as its title. Following the explosive popularity of the series’ first instalment, ‘Fourth Wing’, and its sophomore addition, ‘Iron Flame’, ‘Onyx Storm’ easily became one of the most anticipated book releases of 2025. Despite...
P’s Get Degrees
Yes, we all want distinctions and make the Dean’s Merit List. We all want to be top of the class. But sometimes, cruising in the middle is the best you can do. And just because you’re not top of the class, it doesn't mean you’ve failed. Besides, I know significantly...