Cradle, Calvary

by | Apr 27, 2023 | Fiction Curation

In this poetry anthology, Adeline uncovers the solemn reflection and joyful celebration of those who believe and celebrate the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus – from sorrow and love, grief and grace, cost, and comfort to passion and peace.

Black Cross on Top of Mountain, Credit: Jonathan Borba (Pexels)

Cradle echoes Calvary and the future hope of Jesus’ love, mission, and nature.


Born to die and thus slay death
So clay imbued with holy breath
And earth enchained to groan awhile
Can all to him be reconciled
‘Neath star-strewn sky in quiet lay
A child ordained to die one day
For mortal man and be our hope
Of life redeemed and future known
Mere shadows by substance replaced
By mankind’s priest-king clothed in grace and humility in human flesh
To ransom captives from their death
The wisdom of the wise he thwarts
His seeming weakness a retort
To right our upturned view of strength
And show love’s height and depth and length The one whose
Very nature God
Had left the gilded
Throne above
And ‘came condemned
That we may see
His glory writ
Upon a tree.

Calvary shows the imagery of Exodus, from the salvation and redemption impact of Jesus. It shows Jesus in Gethsemane and his triumph over death


Mingled flow his tears and blood garden soil now anguished mud mournful prayer before he goes
But if he must, it will be so
‘Neath cloud-blacked sky alone was he on beams of wood, that cursed tree The Highest, lowly did descend.
And to our greatest need attend Centurion and thief amazed
A death arrests their startled gaze a curtain torn from great a height beyond all bounds of mortal might
Death no more shall be his shroud a song of triumph ringing loud
To Christ the King, the Lion, Lamb Who was, before the world began three days beneath
But risen now
So, joy may dawn, and peace abound from babe to man to us came down from death to life, from cross to crown.

Edited by: Josh Thomas


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