Free poster workshop and exhibitions at Blacktown Art Centre

by | Apr 29, 2022 | Off Campus

The Leo Kelly Blacktown Arts Centre is currently holding a free exhibition and workshop until Saturday 7th May 2022.

Talking Posters: Garage Graphix 1981-1998 is exhibiting several screen-printed media from Australia’s ‘80s and ‘90s that dissect several social issues affecting those living in Western Sydney. These artworks centre around equal rights for women, environmental issues, how colonisation affected the rights of Indigenous people, and racism towards migrants. After taking the time to see these amazing artworks you can visit the poster centre workshop.

These workshops are run by artist Wendy Murray,  and allow novices to try their own hand at screen-printing. This printing technique is a wonderful analogue approach to mark-making that allows a picture to be formed by pressing ink onto a fine mesh, using specialised equipment.

Advocating for a social issue close to your own heart, you will illustrate a poster, which will be printed onto a screen-printed background. Participants will get the chance to make their own screen-printed background using the equipment provided at the workshop.

Screen-printing is also a great technique for creating your own fabric prints. If you think you’d like to print a few t-shirts with a design created by yourself, then consider doing this workshop to learn how to do it. Keep in mind though that you’d need fabric ink for printing t-shirts and the workshop will only provide inks for paper prints.

The posters you make can be taken home and a copy will also be made and exhibited at the Art Centre. With only two weeks left of this exhibition and workshop, it’s time to get in quick.


Where: Leo Kelly Blacktown Art Centre, 78 Flushcombe Rd, Blacktown NSW 2148 

When: Workshops are every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The exhibition and workshops end on Saturday 7 May 2022.

 Cost: Free!

 How: Register here

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