W’SUP editor Beau Dunne vox popped at Parramatta:
Hir, Jigar and Pooja:
What do you like about the university ?
Jigar : The library, campus facilities.
What could be improved ?
Jigar: Sports. Students don’t know about sports. There should be an organised way to know about events. If we are at Parramatta campus, we might have to go to Hawkesbury. There should be some events here.
Pooja: The transport system, the shuttle buses.
Hir: Sometimes it’s very cold
Jigar: There should be more parking
Hir: The library should be opened on weekends and after hours more.
Have you heard about student representation at the uni ?
Jigar: Last time I heard about the election, I got emailed.
How should they improve their visibility?
Jigar: It would be good if they came to lectures and spoke for 5 mins
Joseph and Matthew:
What’s good about the uni?
Matthew: The feel of it – it’s newer, it has everything you need, it’s not too far away
Joseph: I really enjoy the multiculturalism and how friendly everyone is. I usually go down to the Hub and you can talk with anyone. It’s very friendly
What could be improved ?
Jospeh: More PASS classes. If I’m struggling with classes at the moment, PASS really helps.
Have you heard about student representation? How can they improve communications?
Jospeh: More free stuff. When they had stalls they just stayed in one area.
If they moved around campus more, walked around and talked to people
What of the federal election?
Joseph: There’s an election? It’s like Tinder. If I had to vote I’d flip a coin
Sheena and Voneet:
Riya and Deepo:
If you had to name one thing good about uni…
Sheena: The support services
Deepo: Oliver Brown, library services, the facilities, restaurants.
Riya: I like the flexibility
What could be improved ?
Deepo: Parking, parking, parking
Riya: Parking, parking
Sheena: I love this uni
Deepo: I like the rebranding. They should have spent money on parking. I get what the rebrand was about, to change the image, but the majority could have been dedicated to parking
What of the federal election ?
Deepo: I like Turnbull – the innovation policy. I’m not sure about the other guy’s policies.
Joseph and Jonathan:
Nathan and Anita:
What is good about the uni ?
Jonathan: The teachers; we have a lot of good teachers, a lot of teachers that care a lot more than others. vUWS is also a really good resource.
Joseph: I like the diversity, the fact that it’s close to home, we don’t have to travel all the way to the city.
Nathan: It’s close to home, it’s friendly, not stressed. I was told uni would be stressful, but it’s relaxed.
Anita: The resources we have – apart from the parking – are all good. The library resources are very useful.
What could be improved?
All: Parking
Jonathan: We need microwaves
Anita: and sinks
Nathan: We need more student kitchens
Have you heard about student representation and what they do ?
Anita: We get emails that we archive straight away
Jonathan: If student reps wanted to know what we need, they could just jump online and find out.
What have you heard about the federal election ?
Anita: Malcolm Turnbull is not living up to his expectations
Nathan: I usually vote Liberal
Joseph: Labor
Jonathan: I vote for the Pirate Party
What do you think of the issue of sexual harassment ?
Jonathan: This is a thing you teach kids from the start – to respect women. There is an ad; domestic violence, stop it at the start. It’s a great ad.