Med Science students announce winners of science-inspired art comp

by | May 24, 2016 | Off Campus

News from the MSSA:

Throughout April, the Medical Science Student Association hosted a Science-inspired Art competition. MSSA would like to thank the student body for their submissions and enthusiasm.

After much deliberation, we have chosen our first and second place winners!

Congratulations to Vasanth Buvan in 1st place representing UNSW and to Tran Xuan Hao Nguyen in 2nd place representing Western Sydney U!

It is fantastic to see such talented artists showcasing their abilities and representing their scientific passion through artistic expression.

Congratulations to our winners and we look forward to hosting another Science inspired art event in the future!

1st place winner

vasanth buvan







Artist: Vasanth Buvan

University: University of NSW

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Description: Shiva (right) and Shakti (left), represent consciousness and energy respectively. Consciousness is the ability to sense our surroundings, which is portrayed by the solar system as the Earth is surrounded by seven other planets and our Sun. The waterfall is a representation of Shakti (energy). The running water converts gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy. The consciousness and mighty power of Shiva would not exist without the driving energy of Shakti! In other words, the Ganges river that originates from Shiva’s hair is driven by the energy of Shakti as shown in the painting.


2nd place winner

tran nguyen








Artist: Tran Xuan Hao Nguyen

University: Western Sydney University

Degree: Bachelor of Medical Science

Major: Anatomy and Physiology

Title: Vice versa

Media: mixed media, felt tip pen, acrylic, watercolour.
Size: 12′ (diameter)
Description: This artwork is inspired by my own artwork from year 11, which is also strongly influenced by the human anatomy and surrealism art movement. Using the aforementioned concept and technique, I have created ‘Vice versa’. The title demonstrates the reversal of the tissue level of organisation, begins with the macroscopic muscle cells bordering a visceral layer which encapsulates the ‘microscopic’ left palm. This simple, yet busy piece of artwork expresses the elaborately intricate bodily arrangement. I challenged the complexity of the structures in the simplified cells’ appearance , then enhanced the vessel networks of the palm into an iridescent whorl.


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