Poem: The real and unreal                               

by | Dec 13, 2023 | Creative Writing, Entertainment, Off Campus, Rest of the World, Self-Care, Spirituality, Tips, Uncategorized

(Credit: Pexels | Eberhard Grossgasteiger)

Bliss, pure bliss!

In the imaginary tunnels of a utopia

I find bliss.

All colours of a euphoric dream,

With the lingering smell of burning steam.

I smile for a while,

Before I hide for a time.

The world in grey is a curse of the times,

We didn’t realise when we heard the last chime.

I now walk in a steaming tunnel,

Carrying the memories of a healing oracle,

distinguishing the real from the unreal

between the wheel and the blue ciel.

Lord! I hate the real! A world so cruel!

I’d rather be at the river,

drinking the ambrosia of an imaginary heaven.

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