Stay in school unless you can feeb and back smith the rail

by | Aug 11, 2015 | Culture Vulture

Q and A with Skuws skater Elijah by Naomi Hastings:


When did you start skating?

I started skating (again) when I was 18 !

What’s your favourite thing about skating?

It has to be just the stoke level it gives me and it’s always magnified by ten thousand when you’re with some buddies skating! It’s just so much fun!!

Where do you like to skate?

That is a hard one. I would have to say Melbourne, but realistically, anywhere with people. Even a poop-as car park.

Which skaters inspire you?

Well.. my best mate, Dave, firstly and then my mate Jai. Whoever I’m with skating, once we get talking about what we’re trying to learn and we start getting close to it, I get super pumped.

Any advice for new skaters?

Don’t do drugs, and stay in school unless you’re under 12 and can come to Parra and feeb or back smith the rail! Then drop out and skate your butt off and go pro !!

Check out the photos on Skuws Facebook page


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