The student raising the torch for Zoom University

by | May 4, 2020 | Campus News

The story behind the rant re-design of the Western Sydney University shirt on Facebook.

Figure 1’Zoom University’ Shirt Design. Photo: Hayley Elford.


Meet Hayley Elford, a passionate individual who has recently completed her Bachelor Arts Pathway to Teaching and is now studying her Masters of Teaching (Primary). Even though she’s currently studying at Bankstown campus, she is a regular at Parramatta and Kingswood – and you may recognise her. You probably know her from her excessive barking in the library, her Tourette Syndrome Awareness posts, volunteering, The Academy, and her activities at the university such as MATES and PASS and all those fun student leadership things!

Read more: ‘They were screaming swear words at me.’ What life with Tourette syndrome is really like & Hayley Reflects on Teaching Kids While Living with Tourette’s.

Hayley found the Western Sydney University shirt sitting in her cupboard after going through her draws as a means of procrastination. She initially bought for wearing while volunteering on campus until her health took a decline. She looked at the shirt and went “that would be a cool design” – and has been wanting to re-design the shirt for around six months now.

Figure 2 Showing that university pride! Source: WSU Rants Page #209.


She originally posted the design on the new WSU rants page and made the shirt as a joke to amuse herself. But what made heads turn was when she put a name to her post – the reasoning behind owning on the shirt on FB was because she was proud of it.

“I intend to wear it on campus next time I’m there, and If someone recognises It, I want to be able to turn around and say ‘yeah this is me, I only posted because it originated as a WSU rants joke. We’d all be coming out of this shared experience, and I think it’d be hilarious,” said Hayley.

Figure 3’2020 SICK AF #STAYHOME’ Shirt Design. Photo: Hayley Elford.


Vlad Focas (Bachelor of Psychology and Social Science) met Hayley during his first semester of University in a lecture theatre – and he is in full support of her whimsical shirt. He states that “the transition to Zoom is prudent in the present situation, and I believe extra support is needed for specific individuals who have a deficit in attention/learning style relating directly to digital learning in lieu of face to face. The University is responding slowly and has reacted slowly.”

The recent transition to online classes is not all that easy and can pose an extra challenge for individuals like Hayley where the internet connection is outright horrid. “I’m kind of happy that the University is trying to consider students health and working inline with the government and all University procedures – but I do question how students are coping,” said Hayley.

Western understands that the current situation is unsettling – please remember that you are not alone and that support is available through this unprecedented time. There is a growing list of online options. Visit the wellbeing website for information, and if you have any questions regarding the Coronavirus situation, please visit the University’s Coronavirus website.



  • Sarah Cupitt

    Sarah Cupitt (pronounced like Que-Pitt) is an ambitious university student, journalist and writer interested in working with people who have amazing stories to tell. She's secretly always looking for stellar scoops and tends to ask a lot of questions. When Sarah isn't brainstorming ideas or furiously typing away, you'll find her reading, designing, or researching her latest obsessions. Psychology, writing ecologies and ancient history, to name a few. Check out her website or say hi on Twitter. She loves to freelance, so if you've got an exciting project, please shoot her a message at

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