Chanelle Mansour

Days for girls

Days for girls

Days for Girls was created to change the stigma surrounding menstruation and provide young women with menstrual care solutions and health education. Days for Girls began in 2008, when Founder and CEO, Celeste Mergens, was working with a family foundation in the...

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Why we should join unions

Why we should join unions

Are you sick of not having any job security? Well, you're not the only one, with millions of Australians uniting to change this. In 1976, 2.5 million Australians are members of a union. In 2016, 1.5 million Australians are union members, according to the Parliament of...

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Communication zero: The Kashmir crisis

Communication zero: The Kashmir crisis

Eshan, a university student and a part-time mechanic in Melbourne is packing his bags to leave for India this weekend. It’s the 19thday since he last heard from his family back in Kashmir. On a conversation with him over the phone, he sounds somewhat anxious and...

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Fighting for freedom: the Hong Kong protests

Fighting for freedom: the Hong Kong protests

The movement has grown into a simple protest over the Extradition Bill, into a movement to make Hong Kong an independent, autonomous country without Chinese interference or rule. The autonomy that China is "respecting" from the 1997 transfer from British to Chinese...

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Inspiring a new generation

Inspiring a new generation

Western Sydney University alumni Jessica Cortis and Nicola Barton returned to their home campus in Penrith to inspire a new generation of Journalism students. In an intimate one-hour guest lecture on September 11, specially invited industry speakers and recent...

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What’s On at WSU

Parramatta City Campus and Its High School Students

(Western Sydney University’s Parramatta City campus and its high school students. Photo credit: Raynesh Charan) The Parramatta City campus is extremely popular amongst WSU students. The glassy high-rise building with its USB power points, NFC Lockers, various seating...

The Talented Writers Department Part I – Interview with KT Major 

Photo Credit: Ron Lach | “Person Typing on Green Typewriter on Brown Wooden Table” | Pexels “Who uses typewriters anyway?” is a lyric by American singer-songwriter, Taylor Swift, from her song The Tortured Poets Department. Though author KT Major doesn’t use a...

Solo dates are underrated

Image caption - Pictures taken by Anya Wikramanayake, edited by Nadine Mendis using Have you ever caught yourself cramped up in your room after a day of studying or coming home after a long shift and catching yourself scrolling through Instagram stories of...

Four Ways to Go Past the Past

Image caption: Nadine Mendis. Background - Adobe Firefly, Girl –  Traumatic and distressing experiences from our past can weigh us down. We all have a past – some memories are happy, whilst other memories may be sad and may haunt us. You may have heard the...