First Person

Diversity: The Editorials

Ian Escandor: ‘‘I look to a day when people will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character’’: Martin Luther King, Jr. (1963). A beautiful quote but often misconstrued as advocating for ‘colour-blindness’. Those who purport this...

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The Magic of UWS Confessions: The Life of a Spy

The wonder of UWS Confessions has been the true barometer of the student experience of Western Sydney for the last 3 years. With Macquarie’s confessions at a measly 157 likes, UTS at 15,097, USyd at 15,029 and the nearest rival UNSW at 22,583 our editor Nicole...

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India immersion a life changing experience

By Andrew Phong: The New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant in collaboration with Western Sydney University’s Immersion Experience in India has given me the invaluable opportunity of viewing the world in a different lens. I was exposed to challenges that I was previously...

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HSP review Campbelltown

By Mahmoud Al-Dabbas, Campbelltown Student Campus Council: Salam brothers and sisters! As part of the Campbelltown Student Campus Council (CSCC) who brought you free HSP during week 1, here is my review of that glorious day! Signage: N/A No signage present but...

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Pauline Hanson and the Politics of Fear

By Phil Craig: Pauline Hanson is well known for utilising the politics of fear to gain the support of Australian voters. In the 1990s, her attacks on Australia’s first nations and Asian communities was unrelenting. Her comments about Asians led to the conservative PM...

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Please explain

By Aldric Chuah: The recent decision by Board of Directors/Vice Chancellor Barney Glover to arbitrarily remove the position of Student Publications Officer was one made without prior consultation and without qualification. The unilateral decision caught many of the...

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Reflections on National Union of Students EdCon

By Janice Yane,Vice-Chair Penrith Student Campus Council:  Aside from the obvious benefits of attending the Education Conference by National Union of Students (NUS) and listening to the respected guest speakers during multiple workshops and seminars, I’ll admit that...

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Youth Voice in Western Sydney

  On Thursday the 16th of June I represented Western Sydney University and The Academy at Youth Action and the Committee for Sydney’s event: Future Proofing Western Sydney. There were four keynote speakers, including myself, Khushaal Vyas from UNSW, Alice Yan from...

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What’s On at WSU

Solo dates are underrated

Image caption - Pictures taken by Anya Wikramanayake, edited by Nadine Mendis using Have you ever caught yourself cramped up in your room after a day of studying or coming home after a long shift and catching yourself scrolling through Instagram stories of...

Four Ways to Go Past the Past

Image caption: Nadine Mendis. Background - Adobe Firefly, Girl –  Traumatic and distressing experiences from our past can weigh us down. We all have a past – some memories are happy, whilst other memories may be sad and may haunt us. You may have heard the...

No Silly Questions: The Daily Aus 

The Daily Aus is an online news platform that primarily broadcasts through Instagram. Started by Zara Seidler and Sam Koslowski, the news is aimed to be short, sharp, and concise to avoid the news fatigue that many young people are facing, as reported by...

WSUP at Sydney Writer’s Festival 2024

Image Credit Raynesh Charan Image Credit Ellie Winter Image Credit Ellie Winter Image Credit Ellie Winter Image Credit Natasa Aster-Stater Image Credit Ellie Winter at War on Journalism Event Image Credit Ellie Winter at War on Journalism Event Image Credit Ellie...

The Year I Met My Brain: ADHD as an Adult 

The book The Year I Met My Brain by Matilda Boseley ventures into the lives of adults with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), given her own experience of being diagnosed later in life with ADHD herself. She works as a social media reporter for the...