P’s Get Degrees

Yes, we all want distinctions and make the Dean’s Merit List. We all want to be top of the class. But sometimes, cruising in the middle is the best you can do. And just because you’re not top of the class, it doesn't mean you’ve failed. Besides, I know significantly...

How many attempts did you take to pass your IELTS or PTE test?

Many struggle to pass the PTE and IELTS, facing multiple attempts, crushing scores, and the frustration of slightly missing the required band. Barsha Rai discusses their experiences with the PTE and IELTS.

Made In the West Film Festival: The Online Movie Marathon Experience

The 10th of December 2024 signalled the beginning of the Made in the West Film Festival’s exclusive, online experience. Here’s a review of the 3-hour event, which was filled with love, passion and captivating cinematography!

“The lights danced to my music”: Student Composer Bailey Pickles Speaks About Big Dreams

“As cliche as it sounds, you really can do anything you set your mind to.” Student Bailey Pickles, who composed the 2024 Vivid Sydney soundtrack and is a Western Sydney local, speaks to students with big dreams.

Libby Austin: The 19-year-old Penrith City Council member representing Western Sydney youth

Libby Austin is ready and excited to be sworn into council in October. ‘I believe that young people deserve a seat at the table, and it is up to us as young people to prove to others why,’ she says.

5 Coeliac Friendly Places in Sydney

5 Coeliac Friendly Places in Sydney

Having any dietary requirement can be a challenge, but for those with coeliac disease, finding gluten free food that is coeliac friendly can be incredibly difficult. Lucky for us here in Sydney, we are spoiled for choice with gluten free finds that are coeliac safe,...

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New Perspectives through Film

New Perspectives through Film

Films and TV shows often offer the viewer a new perspective (pun intended) every day. From portraying that there’s beauty in the mundane and that there’s more to the world than what meets the eye. In this piece, three films will be reviewed: a short film named...

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What If We All Went to Therapy?

What If We All Went to Therapy?

Picture this:   You’re sitting in a café with a friend, and instead of the usual, “How’s work?” they casually ask, “So, what’s your inner child been up to?”   And it’s not weird at all!   You sip your coffee and say, “Oh, just reconnecting with some childhood fears;...

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The Gen Z Guide to Love 

The Gen Z Guide to Love 

The Gen Z Guide to Love  We belong to the 'replied to your story' kind of love.  Where at the end of shared playlists a tender hug awaits,  We belong to the 'tagged you in a meme' kind of love,  Hoping that the algorithms align our fate.  We belong to the ‘Taylor...

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Boy Sober: Lessons From Celibacy

Boy Sober: Lessons From Celibacy

I am 22 and I haven’t had sex in 3 years, because ever since I was a little girl I have believed that romantic love should be a priority in my life.  The media I consumed heavily informed this belief.   I loved the 1999 romantic comedy Never Been Kissed starring Drew...

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Understanding Academic Burnout

Understanding Academic Burnout

As we approach the end of our studies, some of us will be feeling drained and debilitated from exhaustion with no motivation to do the things we once loved to do or to complete those last rounds of assignments.   You may be contemplating “Why am I so lazy? Why do I...

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What’s On at WSU

P’s Get Degrees

Yes, we all want distinctions and make the Dean’s Merit List. We all want to be top of the class. But sometimes, cruising in the middle is the best you can do. And just because you’re not top of the class, it doesn't mean you’ve failed. Besides, I know significantly...

How many attempts did you take to pass your IELTS or PTE test?

“Your Pearson Test of English (PTE) result is available!” The text arrived at 11:34 AM on a scorching Tuesday in mid-December 2024. My heart sank as I opened it. I had secured an overall score of 77. While that might sound decent, I needed a minimum of 80 in each...

Made In the West Film Festival: The Online Movie Marathon Experience

Part One:  ‘Places Please!’ by Paul Rye.   Viewers were welcomed to the first short film of the night: ‘Places, Please!’, which delved into the chaotic world of production behind the stage, centring on the life of stage manager, Keith. Audiences experienced Keith’s...