First Person

Fighting Global Poverty with Gender Equality

By Kylie Henman: Who runs the world? GIRLS! Or not, as Dr Helen Szoke was to inform us. I attended Western Sydney University’s Open Forum “Fighting Global Poverty with Gender Equality”. Dr Helen Szoke, CEO of Oxfam Australia and special guest speaker, revealed that...

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STUDENT LEGAL SERVICE: Parking on campus

By Jayd Raffoul – Solicitor, Student Legal Services: Imagine this, it’s week 3 and you arrive for your 10am class. The car parks are packed and after circling for the hundredth time, you see a line of cars parked on the grass. You can see a free spot on the grass so...

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Emotion Is Okay

By Laura Day: We live in a society where we have been taught to suppress our emotions, only show people our ‘perfect’ lives, live the right way, do the right things and don’t differ from that path because you will be rejected. Women are meant to be this perfect ideal...

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The Future of Journalism

By Helen Megalokonomos: The future of journalism has reached a precipice with budgets shrinking and editorial jobs being cut. The only lifeline for journalists lies in being able to produce content across all media platforms and in adapting to the changing landscape,...

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By Sunila Dixit: Two decades ago, a sitcom arrived into everyone’s lives. Little did anyone know that it would take a permanent place in everyone’s hearts then and in generations to come. The sitcom was an instant hit, particularly among the youth. The sitcom was...

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Language: What separates us from the animals

By Daniel Griffin: You and I have the ability to use language without even thinking about it, literally. We can understand, speak, (and once we are taught) read and write. Animals, too, can communicate in some ways as well (anyone who has ever watched a nature...

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Happy Times in Student Land

By Beau Dunne: Like many of my fellow students, I face the difficulty of juggling the multiple demands of working, managing relationships, and attending classes. With so many demands on students it is no wonder that there are more and more media reports of slipping...

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#LetThemStay: WSU could take the lead

#LetThemStay: WSU could take the lead

By Ian Escandor: On February 3 the High Court ruled that the Coalition government had the right to deport babies and women – who had been sexually assaulted – back to offshore detention in Nauru. This cruel government policy has sparked an important new wave of...

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Open Letter to Marketing: The Bland Rebrand

By Nicole Gismondo: There is, from the perspective of the outside observer, a certain appeal to the rebranding of the University of Western Sydney to Western Sydney University. From that outside perspective it is a university that embraces its demographic and provides...

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What’s On at WSU

WSUP’s Book Picks 

Tash - The Mask Falling by Samantha Shannon  This fictional story is the fourth in the Bone season which is a dystopian and paranormal thriller. Being in the centre of a planned seven book series means that this is the integral part of the storyline. Compelling,...

The Secret Lives of Women 

On May 24th, at the Sydney Writer’s Festival, a panel titled “The Secret Lives of Women” featured three cross cultural novelists. This panel discussed the inner worlds of their characters, where aspirations that are obscured by duty and expectations of the world. The...

Creating a Monster at Sydney Writer’s Festival

The Creating a Monster event, held at the Sydney Writers Festival on the 25th of May, had three 'Masters of Monsters'. C.S. Pacat, author of Dark Rise, Vanessa Len, author of Only a Monster, and Sarah Street, author of A Curse of Salt discussed their process of...

Samantha Shannon: On the Roots of Chaos Series

Samantha Shannon, speaking at the 2024 Sydney Writers’ Festival, with Shelley Parker-Chan. Photo credit: Nataša Aster-Stater The Roots of Chaos event, which was held at the Sydney Writers’ Festival on May 25th, showcased the author, Samantha Shannon, speaking to a...